Teaching staff

The Department of “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” is one of the leading departments of the University in terms of its contribution to the educational process and science.

          The scientific and pedagogical potential of the Department currently consists of 4 doctors of science, 12 candidates of science, 7 PhD doctors, 10 masters of technical and natural Sciences. All teachers involved in the implementation of educational programs of the Department by their qualifications correspond to the profile of training and have a high level of scientific and pedagogical qualifications. The number of teaching staff is 33, the scientific degree of the department is more than 70%.

          In order to form key professional competencies of students, such as communication skills, leadership, responsibility, ability to work in a team, analyze information, and make decisions in various industrial situations, active forms of training are systematically introduced into the University's educational process. Along with traditional methods of conducting classes, innovative methods and information technologies based on modern software are practiced. Faculty of the Department actively participate in the development of MOTC (mass online training courses) and DER (digital educational resources).

          The teaching staff of the Department is actively involved in the development of textbooks and manuals recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the University of EMM. Over the past ten years published more than 100 textbooks and manuals stamped MSHE and REMC.  

  • Құлажанов Қ.С. Аналитикалық химия: оқулық. Том I, II. - Алматы: ТОО «ADAL KITAP». – 2023.
  • Ерғожин Е.Е., Құрманәлиев М.Қ. Жоғары молекулалық қосылыстар: оқулық. - Алматы.:Альманахъ, 2023.
  • Құлажанов Қ.С., Таусарова Б.Р., Сүлейменова М.Ш., Абилкасова С.О. Физикалық және коллоидтық химия. Том I, II. - Алматы: ТОО «ADAL KITAP». – 2023.
  • Құлажанов Қ.С., Ягудеев Т.А. Негізгі органикалық талдау: оқулық. - Алматы: АТУ, 2017.
  • Құлажанов Қ.С., Сүлейменова М.Ш. Бейорганикалық химияның негіздері: оқулық. - Алматы: Экономика, 2015.
  • Дарибаев Ж.Е., Сулейменова М.Ш., Құтжанова А.Н. Өндірістік экология: оқу құралы. - Алматы: АТУ, 2019.
  • Зайнуллина А.Ш., Ягудеев Т.А. Физико-химические методы анализа нефти и нефиепродуктов: учебное пособие. - Алматы: АТУ, 2020.
  • Султангазиева Г.С. Топырақтану негіздері: оқу құралы. - Алматы: АТУ, 2019.
  • Dzhakupova I.B., Bozhbanov A.Zh. Ecology and Sustainable Development: manual. - Аlmaty: Tech Smith, 202
  • Akhmetova S.O., Abilkasova S.O. Physical and Colloidal chemistry laboratory Manual. - Almaty: ATU, 2019.


          Leading teachers of the Department, together with employers, actively participate in improving educational programs, its modularity, defining goals and shaping learning outcomes and are posted on the educational platform (atu.hero.study).

        The research activity of the Department of “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” is quite high, the number of publications is more than 130 annually, i.e. more than 3 per teacher. 15 teaching staff of the Department have an h-index. More than 80 % of the Department's teaching staff have publications in highly rated journals. The results of scientific research are implemented in the educational process by developing elective subjects. Under the guidance of leading professors of the Department, funded project by the MSHE of the Republic of Kazakhstan and initiative research projects are carried out.

According to the approved plan, the ATU regularly conducts seminars and trainings for teaching staff to improve their skills in quality assurance in education. information is posted on the platform atu.hero.study. The University operates Institute for advanced studies and retraining of personnel, which coordinates the professional development of teachers, annually teaching staff of the Department pass training courses and seminars, and receive supporting certificates.

The University takes all necessary measures to maintain academic integrity and academic freedom of its faculty and staff. ATU has established a disciplinary and anti-corruption Commission and a Council for education, as well as a Commission for intra – University control, which includes heads of institutes and departments, legal experts, experienced teachers, and representatives of public organizations of the University. Information and explanatory work is being carried out to comply with the "Code of academic integrity and corporate culture of ATU teachers and employees". All academic buildings and dormitories have hotlines and offer boxes, and the University's website has a blog of the rector http://blog.atu.kz/

For high pedagogical skills, scientific results and devotion, many teaching staff were awarded certificates of Honor and diplomas by the leadership of the ATU and other public organizations (Nur Otan, Parasat, Almaty City Akimat, etc.). The Department of “Chemistry, chemical technology and ecology” is rightly proud of its staff: Kulazhanov K.S., Tausarova B.R., Kurmanaliev M.K., Almabekov O.A., Omarkulov T.O., Sharifkanova G. N., Ibrasheva R.K., Dautbayeva G.A., Daribayev Zh.E., Yagudeev T.A., Suleimenova M.Sh., Kozybayev A.K., Zainullina A.Sh., Abdykarimova A.P., Akhmetova S.O., Almagambetova S.T. For long-term work in the education system and achievements in science teachers of the Department awarded the badge "Honorary worker of education of MES RK", "Honored worker of science and education of MES RK", medal "Labor veteran", the badge of MSHE RK "Y.Altynsarin", medal of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Akhmet Baitursynov, received the title "Best teacher of the year "(grant of the MSHE RK).


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